Feel free to navigate by category or use the search bar on the right. Sign-up to receive updates every time we post to the blog. Explore with abandon and let us know what you think!
Massage Therapy
that resolves pain & treats the whole person
Thai massage ("lazy man's yoga")
Relaxation Massage
Orthopedic massage (treating chronic and acute injuries)
Prenatal and Postnatal Massage
Assisted Stretching
Yoga Therapy
Ayurvedic Assessment & Individualized Practice
A custom routine for any ache or pain
Breath and relaxation practices
Individual physical and constitutional assessment
Yoga for Women's health
Yoga & Meditation Teacher Training
200-hr yoga teacher training
Highly experienced teaching staff
Classical hatha yoga, ayurvedic vinyasa yoga, anatomically-informed structural assessment, mindfulness meditation, and more.
Receive support in developing yoga teaching skills.
Retreats & FREE Special Events
Retreats for Mommas
​Yoga & Ayurveda Retreats
FREE Women's Song Circles
FREE Community Kirtan (Non-sectarian yogic chanting)
Located in Ann Arbor and Chelsea, Michigan
Private Massage Office in Ann Arbor
2020 Hogback rd. Suite #11
Yoga Teacher Training & Classes held in Chelsea
30 minutes west of Ann Arbor at Triple Crane Retreat Center